Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Natural History Of Raptors Raptor Biology And Hunting...

Natural History of Raptors Raptor Biology and Hunting Methods Adam M. House Due: June 15, 2015 Dr. Yunger The adaptability and evolutionary history of Raptors is remarkable and a learning opportunity for humans. Some raptors are acrobats and blur through dangerous tree lines and brush to catch prey with its agility and speed. Others take a less energy consuming route by soaring high above plains and grasslands and only take advance towards prey with large talons and its eyesight that is to be marveled at. A few take an even more conservative approach by feeding on the already deceased and rotting flesh of almost any carrion. There is also a species of raptor that uses its ability to see at night as if everything is illuminated and sits or stalks its prey through the night. Raptors have evolved different methods of survival but all species are related in many ways as well. Living life every day risking life and limb is something that some raptors have chosen due to their innate ability to out-match its prey with extreme speed and ultimate agility. These raptors mainly belong to the family of buteo or hawks; such as the sharp-shinned hawk, Swainson’s hawk, and Cooper’s Hawk. They are small, long-tailed hawks with short, rounded wings. â€Å"They have small heads that in flight do not always project beyond the â€Å"wrists† of the wings† ( Most of these species migrate south out of Canada and remain in North America for most of the year,

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