Monday, December 30, 2019

Community Policing and Community Justice Essay - 1134 Words

CJ220 Criminal Justice and the Community Community policing is explained as a collaboration of community and the police working together to help identify and solve criminal activities. Additionally, the whole concept behind it is to promote public safety and to enhance the quality of life within the neighborhoods in which we reside in. Community policing is composed of two major components which are community partnership and problem solving. Community policing is a program that was initially started in the 1940’s. All of the support that was released for this program was materialized actually in the 1980’s. One of the main goals if not the most important goal was to bring in the law enforcement closer to their local public to help†¦show more content†¦Community justice broadly refers to different aspects of crime prevention and justice activities that include the quality of life as a goal for the community. Recent initiatives include community crime prevention, community policing, community defe nse, community prosecution, community courts, and restorative justice sanctioning systems. Community justice prioritizes different types of offenders to determine the sanctioning for the victims and to ensure the offender is ready to enter back into their community in good standing with no problems. In other words, they do not want them back in the community if they feel they have not learned their lesson or have been rehabilitated. Community justice’s main focus is to promote public safety and like I had said earlier to ensure that the quality of life of the community is in good standing. Community justice includes different ways of interpreting information about police, courts, and corrections that highlights problem-solving techniques. There is a strategy behind community justice such as including restorative justice practices and processes. They also include both adult and juvenile offenders to create a safer community rather than doing things for the offenders or ac tually to them. Community justice wants to prevent victimization to help establish public safety. It also places a high priority on the wants,Show MoreRelatedCommunity Policing Within The United States Department Of Justice1587 Words   |  7 PagesOver time the policing community has faced many different changes to be able to keep up with the new times. The system has adapted many new techniques and a different approach to how they solve problems. Community policing has taken on a number of definition, but put simply it is a working partnership with a community that helps make the area a better environment to subside in. The main goals of community policing is to reduce neighborhood crime, help reduce fear of crime and enhance the qualityRead MoreCommunity Policing : An Overarching Law Enforcement Strategy1323 Words   |  6 PagesMidterm: Community Policing Zachary L. DeLuca Boston University Dr. Carney February 8, 2016 â€Æ' Community policing is an overarching law enforcement strategy that works to integrate police departments and officers with the neighborhoods they serve (Carney, 2015). Community policing strives to create a partnership between officers and citizens such that all parties are working towards the common goal of crime prevention and safety (Siegel Welsh, 2015); as described by the Bureau of JusticeRead MoreCommunity Policing : Quality From Inside Out An Evaluation Of Impact789 Words   |  4 PagesSkogan (1993). Community Policing: Quality from inside out An evaluation of Impact. Washington D.C.:U.S. National Institute of Justice. This report talks about Madison police Department and how they created a new organizational design both structural and managerial in efforts to support and improve community policing. Willis, J., S. Mastrofski, and T. R. Kochel (2010). Maximizing the Benefits of reform: Integrating community policing in America. Washington D.C.: U.S. Department of justice, Office ofRead MoreEssay on Criminal Justice Trends Evaluation1584 Words   |  7 PagesCriminal Justice Trends Evaluation Paper Jerry J Lynch Jr February 20, 2012 CJA/394 - Contemporary Issues and Futures in Criminal Justice Darren Gil, Faculty University of Phoenix Criminal Justice Trends Evaluation The criminal justice field is an ever evolving field. As today’s technology changes so does the way the criminal justice field interacts with that technology. As our society changes the technology that we use will also be altered to fit the situation. The barriersRead MoreCommunity Policing : One Of The Newer Looks On Law Enforcement976 Words   |  4 Pages English 110 15 October 2015 Community Policing Community policing is one of the newer looks on law enforcement. Many people do not know exactly community policing is or how it works. It is used in many places around the world and has many elements needed to be successful. It varies from traditional policing with how they want to solve the problems in the community. What is community policing? Well there is not a definite definition for what community policing is but according to TrohanowiczRead MoreCultural Consideration1138 Words   |  5 PagesMartin CJA/500 May 23, 2011 Joseph Laronge Cultural Considerations In the criminal justice system cultural concerns and influences in today’s societies have its positive and negative aspects. Cultural concerns and influences raises a lot of attention of the affect it has on justice and the security administration. In this paper it will first discuss how cultural concerns and influence affect the justice and security administration and its practices. Second, what contemporary methods are usedRead MoreCommunity Policing Is Defined As The System Of Allocating Police Officers Essay1063 Words   |  5 PagesCriminal Justice Capstone â€Æ' Community policing is defined as the system of allocating police officers to particular areas so that they become familiar with the local inhabitants. Many communities have at least one officer assigned to patrol their area and tend to the people living within the area. These community policing officers take notice of the area and learn the ins and outs of these neighborhoods and surrounding areas. The officer familiarizes themselves with the people in the community and buildsRead MoreImplementing The President s Task Force On 21st Century Policing Essay1749 Words   |  7 PagesPresident s Task Force on 21st Century Policing. The Task Force Members sought expertise from stakeholders and input from the public through Listening Sessions, teleconferences and written comments as they worked to identify best practices and make recommendations to the President. The Task Force submitted an initial report to the President on March 2, 2015 and released the final report on May 18, 2015 (Fina l report of the resident’s task force on 21st century policing, 2015). Society in general haveRead MorePolice Enforcement And Community Policing1444 Words   |  6 PagesAccording to COPS and the U.S. Department of Justice, community policing begins with a commitment to building trust and respect between police and communities. Many police department and citizens within the communities collaborate and they more effectively address underlying issues, change negative behavioral patterns, and allocate resources. Bureau of Justice Statistics defines community policing as, â€Å"A philosophy that promotes organizational strategies, which support the systematic use of partnershipsRead MoreIntelligence Led Policing Research Paper703 Words   |  3 Pagesfrom Community to Intelligence Led-Policing Since the September 11, 2001, law enforcement agencies across the nation recognized the need to integrate intelligence into their current community policing approach. When intelligence is available, decision-making is more effective and efficient. Intelligence enables law enforcement agencies to implement policies and procedures necessary to combat the concerns of the community. Why intelligence-led policing was integrated into community policing Law

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Comparing the Reign of Ramses II with the Reign of Sargon...

Comparison and Contrast of Ramses II and Sargon of Akkad Ramses II and Sargon of Akkid are rules or legand and considered among the great rulers of their civilizations. Ramses II was the Pharoah of Egypt from 1303 B.C. until 1213 B.C. During which time he expanded the Egyptian empire and founded a culture that would remain for hundreds of years. Sargon of Akkad was the King of Mesopotamia from 2270 B.C. until 2215 B.C. During his reign the Mesopotamian empire was also increased the result of which left Sargon with the name King of Battle. While these two rulers lived a century apart, their triumphs, legacies and ancient associations are very similar. Both rulers earned their fame and association because of the large conquests completed under their reign. Ramses II has eight legendary military battles for which he earned fame (Kitchen 57). From the battle against the Sherden sea pirates to his three campagnes against Syria, he consistently returned a hero (Kitchen 40). During his reign, he succuessfully returned territories back to Egypt t hat had been taken by the Nubian and Hittite nations (Kitchen 48). It is believed that Ramses II had an army totaling 100,000 men, which is considered very formidable for this time period (Grimal 250-253). Sargon started his military campagne immediately after coming to power and by the end of his reign he had taken over expanded the empire as far as Ebla in the North and Elam and Golfe in the South (Botsforth 24). His army

Friday, December 13, 2019

Do You Like the Ending of the A Question of Dowry or Cat in the Rain Free Essays

Do you like the ending of the â€Å"a question of dowry† or â€Å"cat in the rain†. Give reasons to support your answer. What do you think will happen to Sivasothie or the American girl. We will write a custom essay sample on Do You Like the Ending of the A Question of Dowry or Cat in the Rain or any similar topic only for you Order Now I like the ending of the â€Å"a question of dowry† because Sivasothie shouldn’t marry to such a materialistic man like Thirulchelvam even though she liked him so much. Thirulchelvam only wanted the dowry that had promised by Mr and Mrs Ramachandran which were a piece of land and gold necklace. If Sivasothie married with such man, she was definitely couldn’t own a blissful marriage. Sivasothie might be very sad when she knew that Thirulchelvam don’t want to marry with her. But, she should feel lucky that she could know the true face of Thirulchelvam before they get marry because he would not be the guy who can give a blissful marriage to her. Besides that, Sivasothie should strengthen her self-esteem and not be a subservient woman anymore. She should have the power to choose the guy that she really feels that are suitable for her until the rest of her life and not compliance with her parents’ choice. This is because her parents are too realistic and just care about the status of their future son-in-law. They had ignored the most important part which is the true heart of the man towards their daughter. Therefore, Sivasothie should broaden her circle of life to get know more of friends and increase her self-esteem as well as her communication skills. Indirectly, these might help her to voice out her opinion and not to be a subservient woman anymore. If she can improve herself, sure she will find a better man to marry to. (251 words) How to cite Do You Like the Ending of the A Question of Dowry or Cat in the Rain, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Native Americans and Colonization Essay Example For Students

Native Americans and Colonization Essay Native Americans had inherited the land now called America and eventually their lives were destroyed due to European Colonization. When the Europeans arrived and settled, they changed the Native American way of life for the worst. These changes were caused by a number of factors including disease, loss of land, attempts to export religion, and laws, which violated Native American culture. Native Americans never came in contact with diseases that developed in the Old World because they were separated from Asia, Africa, and Europe when ocean levels rose following the end of the last Ice Age. Diseases like smallpox, measles, pneumonia, influenza, and malaria were unknown to the Native Americans until the Europeans brought these diseases over time to them. This triggered the largest population decline in all recorded history. Fifty percent of the Native American population had died of disease within twenty years. Soon after, Native Americans began to question their religion and doubted the ability of shamen to heal. This was the first step towards the destruction of Native cultures. The Native Americans had never experienced anything like these deadly diseases before and they came to believe that Europeans had the power to kill or give life. Many Native groups, because they were nomadic, didnt see land as belonging to one person. The idea that someone could come in, claim a piece of land and ban them from it, caused many problems. They could no longer hunt or forage for food in places they had always done so. Fights over territories began to break out and groups who always had plenty of food, now barely had enough. Many Christian missionaries tried to force Native American people to abandon traditional religious beliefs and practices (Mayo, 33). Christian missionaries would sometimes launch attacks on Native American religious institutions when forcing them to convert to Christianity did not work. These harmful attacks destroyed not only their temples and religious artifacts, but also a huge part of their culture. Laws were introduced that protected the land and property the colonists had acquired, banned most of their religious ceremonies, and forced the children into the European educational system. The Europeans wante d to deny the Native Americans of their cultural identity, which eventually would end up wiping them out. Native Americans were deeply effected by colonization. It was extremely unfair of the Europeans to destroy Native American way of life. If the Native Americans had the weapons, like guns and disease, that the Europeans did, then maybe they could have fought for what was theirs. Europeans came to America and changed the Native Americans lives forever. This contact between the Native Americans and Europeans was called the Columbian Exchange. While both Native Americans and Europeans received advantages and disadvantages from the Columbian Exchange, Native Americans definitely suffered more while the Europeans were benefited more. It is not right that the Native Americans lived on American land all their lives and had the land as well as their culture taken away from them in a matter of only a few years. Mayo, Louise A. American Dreams and Reality: A Retelling of the American Story, Volume 1 Second Edition. Illinois: Abigail Press, 2000. Words/ Pages : 541 / 24

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Four Little Girls Essay Example

Four Little Girls Essay When documentaries are filmed, produced, and then viewed, the audience is left with more knowledge and awareness than before having watched it.When I watch a National Geographic documentary on exploitation of indigenous peoples, I become aware of their situation and further understand the cruel world around me.Also, my emotions are stirred up. With the awareness that documentaries bring, also comes the waves of emotional buildup. This is why documentaries are most effective in grabbing an audiences attention on a subject matter having to do with exploitation, injustice, and racism; they show the cruelty and disrespect the victims are faced with.Four Little Girls, a documentary directed by Spike Lee, is an example of this.He interviews those that were involved or held knowledge of the bombing at 16th St. Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama in 1963.He speaks with officials and professionals, preachers, family members and childhood friends of the four girls killed at this incident.At the same time that these interviews are going on, there are clips from the50s and 60s of black protesters, marches, and beatings relevant to the political and social crisis of the day.Also included are picture shots of the girls, including their gravestones.Lee incorporates the ongoing Civil Rights Movement with the story of the bombing incident and the four girls that The Civil Rights Movement becomes more real to us when the protagonists are also made real.The victims parents tell the audience through their words, stories, and pictures, of who the girls were and how they lived.They also display the girls badges, awards, certificates, and Bible that one had in her pocketbook the day she was in the church basement attending The white officials, who were more or less viewed as the antagonists, spoke of that same era from their point of view.Through intercuttin

Monday, November 25, 2019

What Are The Pros and Cons of Job Hopping

What Are The Pros and Cons of Job Hopping The jury remains out on job hopping. Most people agree that the stigma is mostly gone, particularly if you’re in the unique brand of circumstances that makes it the wisest move for your career. But there are still pros and cons- even if you think it’s all good or all bad. Job Hopping ConsEmployers might hesitate. If you have a track record of loving and leaving, so to speak, employers might be hesitant to hire you. Or worse, they might put you on the chopping block first if or when lay-offs are in order. At least before you’ve had a chance to prove your loyalty in this Basically, they fear you’ll jump ship at the first sign of trouble. And, to be fair, they have no counter evidence!Lack of satisfaction. If you don’t stick around long enough to really get stuck into a company and reap some of the slow-release long term benefits of loyalty, you’ll miss a potentially truly enjoyable part of your career.Relationships are in danger. Gaining exper ience by job hopping might get you a bunch of bullets on your resume, but it won’t necessarily get you a good recommendation and it won’t help you build the kind of relationships that make for a long and successful career. The last thing you want to do is give the impression that you’re unreliable.Greener grass syndrome. If you get into a pattern of job hopping, you might start to fall victim to the trap of always thinking that the grass is greener in some other job or other career. Try to find a place to settle down when you can and when that would be appropriate. Otherwise, you’ll develop a long list of shallow experiences and expertise, and never reap the sweet rewards of loyalty.  Job Hopping  ProsFinding yourself. If you’re not entirely sure what you want to do with your life, a few job hops early on can actually be very useful in saving you valuable time. Just be mindful to figure out what you like and start pointing yourself in that dire ction with some force and purpose.Variety is fun! They don’t call it the spice of life for nothing. You get that many more opportunities to make sure you find the right fit- as well as a fresh take on things with each new company. But remember, the novelty wears off very quickly. Make sure to get accustomed also to the routine of working a job for more than a few months.Networking, networking, networking. You can amass a truly powerful network by job hopping. Just make sure you’re actually making lasting connections and not just blowing through people for the sake of it.A cash increase. Jumping to a new position, when done right, almost always ends up with you making a bit more money- often more than a routine raise.You’ll grow as a person. You’ll meet more people, you’ll work in a broader range of diverse fields and institutions, and you’ll be exposed to a much wider variety of information and resources. This can really build your versatili ty, and indeed, your attractiveness as a long-term hire in the end, provided you shape your experience mindfully.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Looking at the factors which cause significant movement in property Dissertation

Looking at the factors which cause significant movement in property prices within the UK and Europe' - Dissertation Example There is a variety of journals, press releases, research papers that look into the property market, however not many actually focus on what actually causes the price movements. When we start to look into this, we shall be able to clearly see what the factors are and how they relate. Evidence in the property markets, about returns, yields and price movement behaviours seem to be misunderstood from the traditional investment perspective. Firstly, it must be broken down, to what the actual components are that affect the property price movements and then understand how each of them play a part or if some components have any affect at all. The ‘real’ value of property would be another question all together because of how prices fluctuate from the actual fundamental value. Constant price movements in the market have allowed investors to make predictions and systematically make clear profits. To see what the property market forces are within the UK and Europe, the indices of se veral factors would need to be investigated including: House Price Index Property Yields Unemployment Inflation Gold Price (other investments available) Interest Rates Exchange Rates Property is known for the ‘prudent long term investment’ because of the worthwhile returns alongside the minimized efforts. Looking at these figures will give a good intake on what exactly is forcing the property market to fluctuate and even allow some predictions for the future. Under an efficient market, since the property prices already represent the available information, they will move only when new, unexpected information becomes available. The predictability of the information is impossible as to whether it is good or bad, it is equally impossible to predict the direction in which the property prices will move in the future based on such information. To establish that there are factors which create efficiency of the property market, which implies that at any given point of time the p rices do react to factors within the financial markets of the country and its surroundings. The price fluctuations do react to all the market information positively or negatively depending. †¢ To make a complete report on the above and explore the market which will allow us to see the movements in the past and also make predictions for the future. †¢ To make an in-depth study of all the available literature and make a report on the property market factors and items that contradict. †¢ To present a comprehensive and critical analysis of the property market hypothesis and present arguments to drive home the fact that which factors actually play a part in causing significant property movement. ‘Looking at the factors which cause significant movement in property prices within the UK and Europe’ The Literature Review Supervisor: Bijan Hesni For: Shafeen Shiraz Daya ‘Looking at the factors which cause significant movement in property prices within the UK and Europe’ With the objectives of the study in sight, this part of the dissertation paper makes a detailed review of the available literature on the property market efficiency and the factors of the property market. In order to enable the readers to understand the term market efficiency the following words of Robert

Wednesday, November 20, 2019


JOURNAL REFLECTIVING USE SELF AWRENESS IN HELPING WORK - Coursework Example Self-awareness entails consciousness of communication styles and how they affect the clients’ perceptions of counsellors’ professional abilities and empathy. Self-aware counsellors know how to choose proper communication styles that are best for clients, in order to make them feel that client welfare is their counsellors’ main priority (Uhlemann and Jordan, 2012, p.71). Some self-awareness practices involve appropriate sitting position and distance and eye-contact considerations. Counsellors should be able to sit at the right position and distance that respect clients’ personal space. They must be close enough though to easily show their empathy for them. Counsellors should also be able to know how comfortable clients are with eye contact through observing their nonverbal reactions to it, although many people trust others who can see them literally eye-to-eye. Being aware of these behaviours can make clients feel more comfortable in communicating with thei r counsellors and improve the ease of establishing counsellor-client trust. Besides communication behaviours, self-awareness also means being aware of their strengths and weakness, including biases and limitations. Self-aware counsellors recognize their skills and abilities (Uhlemann and Jordan, 2012, p.71). They know how to be concrete and specific with their advice and how to help their clients improve their ability to make action plans. An example of strength is being able to discuss various coping options for clients because of the knowledge of different coping mechanisms across cultures. Apart from strengths, self-aware counsellors know their weaknesses. An example of a weakness is getting frustrated with female clients who cannot leave their irresponsible husbands, even when these men are violent and unfaithful. Some counsellors may sense anger and frustration in their voices and behaviours when they hear about men taking advantage of these

Monday, November 18, 2019

Film industry in china Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Film industry in china - Essay Example Practically, issues concerning films began back in 1896 when the natives started producing motion pictures in a place called Shanghai. This led to the production of the first film in 1905 name the Beijing Opera: The Battle of Dingjunshan. They were several films produced following the release of the first film but foreigners owned them. This was until 1916 when a Chinese native in Shanghai set up the first production company. As the industries grew, American film producers visited the Shanghai, which was the center for film production. Americans were much ahead in the industry and thus acted a clear guide to the growing industry. This led to the setup of a training center at Shanghai in 1920s (Curtin 45). Under the American patronage, China was able to produce its first true film in 1930s. There were a series of films produced during this period following the increases level of experience and human resource to boost the industry. In late 1940s and early 1950s, the industry grew follo wing the establishment of a substantial Chinese production house named Lianhau Company. There was also an increase the number of movie viewers as they increased from 140 million to 4.5 billion (Nakajima 23). Chinese is currently one of the leading nations in the world in producing films. Practically, Chinese are diligent, and they have taken the industry to international levels despite current hardened censorship placed by the centralized government. Key players in the film industry are using illegal means to sell their products globally especially in USA and Europe. This has popularized their expertise in the field, thus out doing American who was previously thought to have the largest film industry in the world. To enhance globalization of the industry, they have also adopted a trend where they produce films in foreign nations, as this will bar the government from interfering with the proceeding in the industry. China’s film and movie industry is

Friday, November 15, 2019

Project Report on Consumer Preference towards Cadbury

Project Report on Consumer Preference towards Cadbury Cadbury India is a fully owned subsidy of Kraft Foods Inc.Cadbury began its operations in Indiain the year 1948 by importing chocolates. And after 60 years of existence, it today has five company-owned manufacturing facilities at Thane, Induri (Pune) and Malanpur (Gwalior), Bangalore and Baddi (Himachal Pradesh) and 4 sales offices (New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkota and Chennai). The corporate office is in Mumbai. Cadburys core purpose is to make today delicious that captures the spirit of what they are trying to achieve as a business. The company makes delicious foods that people can feel good about. Whether one is considering itsown weight or preparing to celebrate, grabbing a quick bite or sitting down to family night, the company poursits hearts into creating foods that are wholesome and delicious. Currently, Cadbury India operates in four categories viz. Chocolate Confectionery, Milk Food Drinks, Candy and Gum category. In the Chocolate Confectionery business, Cadbury has maintained its undisputed leadership over the years. Some of the key brands it offers in India are Cadbury Dairy Milk, 5 Star, Perk, Éclairs and Celebrations. Today, Cadbury enjoys a value market share of over 70% the highest Cadbury brand share in the world.The companys billion-dollar brand Cadbury Dairy Milk is considered the gold standard for chocolates in India. The pure taste of CDM defines the chocolate taste for the Indian consumer. Cadbury has annual revenue of approximately $50 billion; the combined company is the worlds second largest food company, making delicious products for billions of consumers in more than 160 countries. It employs approximately 140,000 people and has operations in more than 70 countries. Corporate Social Responsibility Since 1965 Cadbury has also pioneered the development of cocoa cultivation in India. For over two decades, we have worked with the Kerala Agriculture University to undertake cocoa research and released clones, hybrids that improve the cocoa yield. Our Cocoa team visits farmers and advise them on the cultivation aspects from planting to harvesting. We also conduct farmers meetings seminars to educate them on Cocoa cultivation aspects. Our efforts have increased cocoa productivity and touched the lives of thousands of farmers. Hardly surprising then that the Cocoa tree is called the Cadbury tree. Today, as a combined company with an unmatched portfolio in confectionery, snacking and quick meals, Cadbury and Kraft are poised in their leap towards quantum growth. They are the worlds No.1 Confectionery Company that we will continue to make today delicious. The Research Research objective: To measure consumer preference towards Cadbury chocolate bars. Need for the study: To find out the consumer preferences towards Cadbury chocolate Research methodology: Research tool: Questionnaire. Sampling technique: Random sampling Sampling size: 150 Sample frame: Respondents who have experienced eating cadbury chocolate bars. Sample locations: Equal numbers of respondents (75 each) were surveyed from both the cities of Mapusa and Panjim. Data collection method: Primary data: Primary data was collected directly from the respondents through distribution of structured questionnaire. Secondary data: Secondary data was collected from sources like internet, advertisement and TV commercials. Limitations of the research: As the research is restricted only to the two cities of Mapusa and Panjim, the results may not hold true for other cities, villages and entire Goa as a whole. The survey was conducted in a limited time of six weeks. Graphical representation Tools for analysis: Tools such as pie charts and percentages are used for the analyzing the data and getting to the conclusion. Do you eat chocolate? From the above analysis of the given sample of 150 respondents it is concluded that out of150 people 100% that is all 150 people likes to eat chocolate. Which brand of chocolate bars do you prefer to eat? From the above chat it is clearly seen that out of 150 respondents 82 (55%) like Cadbury, 56(37%) like nestle 11(7)like Mars and 1(1%) like others. Which sub-brand of above mentioned chocolate bar do you prefer to eat? Tick mark the option that are applicable to you. What form of chocolates do you prefer? What pack size do you normally prefer? How frequently do you buy your preferred chocolate bars? Rate the importance you give to the following factors while purchasing a chocolate: Price Quantity. Flavour Shape Brand Packaging How much satisfied are you with your preferred brand with respect to the following factors: Price Quantity Flavour Shape Brand Packaging Do you feel that your preferred chocolate is worth the price? Which promotional offers attract you the most? Which of these factors affect your purchase? Do you unlike any of the chocolate bars? If your preferred brand is not available for repeat purchase in the market what are you likely to do? If a similar product of another brand appears in the market, will you prefer to stop buying this brand and buy the new one? Will you recommend your preferred Cadbury chocolate bar to others? Gender Age group Occupation FINDINGS Majority of the people surveyed prefer Cadbury chocolate than Nestle chocolate. In Cadbury people prefer dairy milk the most. Taste wise too they like Cadbury dairy milk better. Most of the consumer of Cadbury dairy milk are loyal to the chocolate as the dairy milk chocolate is not available they dont switch to some other brand or chocolate they either postpone their purchase or they go to some other shop for repeat purchase. Shape of the chocolate bar is important for the people surveyed. The brand of the chocolate to matter a lot for the people Price and packaging too is very important for the people where chocolate are concerned. Quantity and flavour is very important for the people. Favourable price makes people buy chocolates even more. Where promotional factors are taken into consideration, price offers attract more customers than other offers. Advertisement affects the sales of chocolate bars more than any other thing. RECOMMENDATIONS Cadbury should focus on more advertisements, so that they can increase their sales even more and publicise their products They should try to give importance to price related offers to attract more customers because according to the survey it is indicated that people mostly prefer price related offers rather than other kind of offers. They can even come up with unique shapes of the bar to create a buzz in the market and gain more customers. Advertisements too can be displayed in a new and altogether different manner to make the customers buy the products in more quantities. To target each segment and attract more customers, products can be shaped, priced and advertised differently. Where Nestle comes in the picture, they should ad CONCLUSION After conducting the survey on consumer preference towards Cadbury chocolate bars, it can be concluded that consumers have more preference towards the Cadbury chocolate bars. Also it was a great experience learning the customer preference towards the chocolate as I came to know what they feel about the chocolate and also learn about the cholotate. Learning Through conduct of this research, following learnings were generated: Customers sensitivity towards each of the factors that are involved while purchasing the product was learnt in detail. Practical exposure to various psychologies of chocolate bar consumers. This led me to understand various perspectives of people and the psychology behind it. Understandings of various factors that lead to satisfaction or dissatisfaction in chocolate industry were learnt.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Fire Song :: Free Essay Writer

Fire Song This book is based around Bowmen Hath and Kestrel Hath who are twins. Both embark on journey with their friend Mumpo, to save their people, the Manth. This book begins after they escape with their family and a group of friends from an evil Priest/Warlord Albard and his Mastery. As they go on there journey the face foes of nature and of great evil. Bowmen is the kind sensitive type. He knows his time is running out, soon some people will arrive and take him on a journey from which he will never return form. However he dose not know who or how that person will look like. Bowmen is unique, his special gift sets him apart from everyone else. He is able to discover what a persons most darkest secrets are just by focusing on them, read their minds and identify every move they are going to make, block projectiles with the power of his mind. Kestrel on the other hand, is the more impulsive of the pair. She posses the same gifts as Bowmen, however not as strong. Kestrel is the schemer, she thinks of plans on the fly when she has to, and is willing to get her hands dirty if she has to. She believes that her heart is cold and unable to love the person who’s willing to give up his life for her, Mumpo. Mumpo is the warrior, once marching with the evil army, â€Å" The Zars†. He is Quick, strong, agile and good with a multitude of weapons. Bowmen and Kestrel’s mother Ira Hath is a prophet, able to tell the future of what is going to happen and what should be going on and what is not. However her gift is also her curse, the more she prophesies the weaker she becomes. Ira’s Husband Hanno Hath is the leader of their group. With his wife’s ability to tell if they are going the right direction to the â€Å"Homeland† or not he is prepared to take responsibility of every ones lives including the lives of his closest friends. The mood the author has written within the book is that of an era with very little peace and evil spreading in every direction. People must band together and out away their differences and work to save every ones lives. â€Å"Only the strong will survive† is a phrase that can explain the mood of the book.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Burglary: Criminal Law and Effective Entry

Burglary is an offence under Section 9 of the Thefts Act, which is in 2 separate parts. The first sub section is s9(1)(a) which states â€Å" a person is guilty of burglary if he enters any building or part of a building as a trespasser with the intent to steal, inflict grievous bodily harm, or do unlawful damage to the building or anything in it. † The second part is s9(1)(b) which says â€Å"a person is guilty of burglary if having entered a building or part of a building as a trespasser, he steals or attempts to steal anything in the building or inflicts or attempts to inflict grievous bodily harm on any person in the building†.The difference between the two subsections is the intention at the time of entry. For example s9 (1)(a) the defendant must have the intention to steal, cause GBH or do unlawful damage at the time of entry. For s9 (1)(b) what the defendant intends to do is irrelevant the prosecution must prove that the defendant committed or attempted to commit Theft or GBH. So already there are some confusions with whether or not the defendant would be guilty of Burglary under s9(1)(a) or s9(1)(b). Entry is not defined in the Theft Act, but there have been several cases that help us on what the word â€Å"Entry† actually means.The first case on Entry was the case of Collins 1972. In this case the defendant had drunk alcohol and decided he wanted to have sex. He saw a window that was open and climbed a ladder so he could have a look in. He saw there was a naked girl inside asleep on her bed. So he went down the ladder took off his clothes and climbed back up it to the girls room. She woke up and thought it was her boyfriend and helped him into the bedroom where they had full intercourse. Collins was convicted on s9(1)(a) as he entered with intention to rape.Before 2004 if someone was entering a building with the intention of rape it would be included in this section, but now it is under the Sexual Offences Act. Collins appealed to his conviction as he said that he wasn’t a trespasser when he entered the building as the girl invited him in. The Court of Appeal quashed his conviction as there was no evidence that he was a trespasser and this is what is needed to be guilty of s9(1)(a) and of course Burglary. Brown was also another case that helped clarify what was regarded as entry. The defendant was standing outside but leaning in through a shop window rummaging through the goods.His feet and lower body was outside the shop. The Court of Appeal decided that he had effectively entered the building and therefore his conviction was upheld. However in the case of Ryan the need for effective entry was not followed. In his case the defendant the got trapped in the window he was trying to climb through into a house at 2. 30 am. His head and right arm was stuck inside the house and the rest of his body was outside. This could scarcely be seen to be an effective entry. How ever the Court of Appeal upheld his conv iction as they said the jury could find that the defendant had entered.So what actually qualifies as an effective entry is discovered in these cases. They have clarified by cases like Brown that you will still be guilty of burglary even if your whole body isn’t inside the actual building. Also by cases like the Collins case if you have been invited in by anybody then you cannot be guilty of burglary as you’re not a trespasser. The Theft Act does however give a description of what is considered as a building or part of a building. All inhabited places are considered as buildings so that would include houseboats or caravans, are considered as buildings/dwellings.To be a considered as a building the structure must have some degree of permanence. The main problem for the courts, have occurred where a structure such as a portacabin for example has been used for storage or office work. Moveable structures like this can be seen as buildings even though their use in particular places is only temporary. Section 9 (4) deals with what is considered to be a building and it also says â€Å"buildings include inhabited vehicles or vessels†. Two cases that helped clarify what was considered as a building was the cases B and S v Leathley.In this case a 25 foot long freezer container had been kept in a farmyard for over two years. It was used as a storage facility. It rested on sleepers, had doors with locks and was connected to the electricity supply. This was considered a building because it had some degree of permanence as it was there for 2 years. In the case of Norfolk Constabulary v Seeking and Gould, a lorry trailer with wheels which had been used for over a year for storage, had steps providing access and was connected to electricity supply, was held not be a building.The fact that it had wheels meant that it remained a vehicle. The courts have tried to clarify what a building is but it is still very unclear as some aspects of what the courts look a t are still very difficult, such as how long the structure is there for. â€Å"Part of building† is used to cover situations in which the defendant may have permission to be in one part of the building and is therefore not a trespasser, but doesn’t have permission to be in another part of the building. An example of this is the case of Walkington.In this case the defendant went into a counter area in a shop and opened a till. This area was clearly marked by a three-sided counter. The defendant was convicted of burglary under section 9(1)(a) as he was a trespasser when he went behind the counter. The critical point in this case was that the counter area was not an area where customers were permitted to go. Just like storerooms in shops customers are allowed to be in the shop but not the storeroom. I think that the courts have clarified this very well because of the examples that have used especially the case of Walkington.And the example of people not being allowed in s torerooms but they are allowed in the shop. Also students are allowed in most places in school but they wouldn’t be allowed to stroll into their head teacher’s office. In order for the defendant to commit burglary they must enter as a trespasser. If they have permission to enter then that makes them not a trespasser as we have seen in the Collins case that I have explained above in the first paragraph. The original use of the word trespasser in law comes from the civil law.It was assumed that the meaning of trespasser would be the same as in civil law that â€Å"trespass is entry without the consent of the lawful occupier of the building†. The case of Collins made it clear that there was more required that just the entry. They needed to prove that the defendant entered knowing he was a trespasser or was reckless as to whether or not he was entering the premise of another without permission. Going beyond permission is where the defendant is given permission to en tre but then goes beyond that permission and then is considered a trespasser.This is explained in the case of the Smith and Jones. In this case Smith and his friend went to Smiths fathers house in the middle of the night and took two television set’s without the father’s permission. The father stated that his son would not be a trespasser in the house; he had a general permission to entre. They were convicted for burglary as they had gone beyond their permission to be there. This is similar to the case of Barker v R, where one person was going away and asked the neighbour to watch the house and told them where the key was. The defendant used the key to entre and steal.He was found guilty of burglary. There are many situations where a person has permission to entre for a limited purpose. For example when people go to a concert they are only allowed there for a certain amount of time. The offence of Burglary has been given a definition by Parliament, but it has been left to the courts to clarify all the key points. All the areas have been explained but some have been clarified more than others and as a consequence some areas are still very difficult to understand for example what is a building or part of a building, and going beyond permission.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Early Action Deadlines for Every College With EA

Early Action Deadlines for Every College With EA SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you're in the midst of college application season, then you know it's time to take action. For some of you, that might be early action, which pushes your deadlines up a couple months. This guide has the complete list of colleges that offer early action, along with advice on the best way to prepare for an early deadline. Before getting to the list, though, let's go over the ins and outs of the early action admission plan. What You Need to Know About Early Action Many schools offer the option of early action. This plan means that you'll both apply earlier than the regular deadline and find out earlier whether or not you got accepted. The most common deadlines for early action are November 1 and November 15. These deadlines are not flexible; you must get all your materials, including recommendation letters and test scores, to the school by the stated deadline. Since you apply early, you'll also be notified of your admissions decision early. The most common notification date is in mid-December, so you should find out whether you were accepted, denied, or deferred before you go on winter break. The possibility of having your application deferred is another unique feature of applying early action. If the early applicant pool is particularly competitive, then the admissions committee might push your application into the regular decision pool and review it again in January or February. If you get deferred and are very interested in the school, you could call its admissions office and ask if there's anything else you can send to strengthen your application before its next review. Unlike early decision, early action is not binding. You should have until the national response deadline of May 1 to tell your school whether you'll be attending or not. That means that you can still compare admissions and financial aid offers from other colleges- even if you applied to them regular decision- before accepting an offer and sending in your deposit. There is one circumstance for which early action has a restriction, though. Some schools, including Harvard, Princeton, Yale, and Stanford, offer only a restrictive or single-choice early action plan. Restrictive early action plans do not obligate you to accept an offer of admission, but they do mean that you can't apply to any other schools early action. For most other colleges and universities, you can apply early to as many schools as you want. But if you're applying to Harvard early action, you can't apply early action anywhere else; rather, you have to wait until the regular decision deadlines for your other schools. Given that early action deadlines are typically in November, what does this mean for your college application timeline? Your Timeline for Applying Early Action There's no point applying early action if you don't have a strong application to send. If you want to apply early, you'll need to prepare all your application materials before the November deadline. There are a bunch of moving parts when it comes to applying to college, so it's best to start the process months or even a year in advance. Read on for suggestions about how to plan out all major parts of your college application, from your SAT/ACT dates and recommendation letters to your official transcript and essays. Schedule Your SAT or ACT Test Dates Students almost always improve their scores when they retake the SAT/ACT and study in-between each test administration. If you're applying early action, the October SAT test date will likely be your last opportunity to take it. SAT scores are typically released within two weeks after you take the test. Fall test dates could be risky in case of delays, and you wouldn't really have time to see these scores before deciding whether or not to send them. Ideally, you'd be finished testing before this October test date if you're applying early action. Your last opportunity to take the ACT would likely be the September test date, assuming your scores become available in time. Again, if you're applying early action, you will feel less pressure if you're already all set with your test scores by the fall of your senior year. You might take the SAT/ACT for the first time in the spring of your sophomore year. You could then take it a second time in the fall of your junior year and (if needed) a third time in the spring of or summer after your junior year. Alternatively, you could take it first in the fall of your junior year and then again in the spring and/or summer. If, after all these attempts, you still see room for improvement in your SAT/ACT scores, you'd have one last opportunity to test in the fall of your senior year. Make sure that your score recipients are up to date in your College Board or ACT, Inc. account, since your official score reports will need to arrive by the deadline. Ask Early for Your Letters of Recommendation and Transcript Another important consideration is your letters of recommendation. You want to ask at least a month before you deadlines. This means that you should ask by October 1 if your early action deadline is November 1. It's a good idea to ask your junior-year teachers at the end of your junior year, as your academic work will be fresh in their minds and they'll have the whole summer to work on your rec letters. Since your guidance office handles sending out your official transcript, make this request a month in advance of deadlines as well. Work On Your Essays Over the Summer You also should start thinking about and drafting your personal essay and any other supplemental essays, over the summer before your senior year. You don't want to write your personal essay in a day! It's a very important part of your application that you should spend weeks to months on. Start by reading the essay prompts and letting ideas simmer in the back of your mind. You might find that the perfect topic pops into your head when you are out for a jog or are getting ready for school in the morning. You should then give yourself ample time to go through several drafts and revisions. Don't forget to get feedback from teachers and ideally friends and parents, too. Writing your personal essay is a process that takes time; you're trying to present a meaningful and insightful story about your identity in only about 650 words! So use your time wisely to think about, prepare, and revise a strong and memorable personal essay. You'll be glad you did once you get into your busy schedule of classes and activities senior year. Since gathering and completing all these things takes a few months, you'll want to make sure to keep track of everything in an organized way. We go over how to do this next. Keep Track Of Your Schedule To recap, here's a possible timeline for the process of applying early action: Leave yourself enough available test dates to take the SAT/ACT. You could take it during the spring of your sophomore year, the fall of your junior year, and a third time in the spring of your junior year. This way, you'll have one last test date in the fall of your senior year. Ask your teachers and counselor for recommendations by October 1, or at the end of your junior year. Request your transcript and any other documents you need your school to send to colleges by October 1. Work on your personal essay (and any other essays) over the summer, leaving yourself a few weeks or even months to brainstorm, draft, get feedback, and revise. Work on your application throughout the fall of your senior year. Be sure to proofread it several times and have it ready to go by the stated deadlines. As you can see, this whole application process starts at least four months before the early action deadline, and much earlier if you include SAT/ACT test dates and test prep. Early action can be a great option for students because it proves to admissions committees that you're enthusiastic about the school and on top of things. Plus, you can find out months earlier than normal whether or not you got into your college(s). Ultimately, as long as you plan and prepare ahead of time, you should have a strong, impressive application to send off to your early action colleges. Now, let's take a look at some popular schools that offer early action and their early action deadlines. We'll then give you the complete list of early action schools and their deadlines. Early Action Deadlines of Popular Schools As you can see, most of the following schools have an early action deadline of November 1, with the exception of UNC Chapel Hill, whose early action deadline is October 15. In the full list below, you'll find even more variation in terms of early action deadlines. School EA Deadline Caltech November 1 Georgetown November 1 Harvard* November 1 MIT November 1 Princeton* November 1 Stanford* November 1 UNC Chapel Hill October 15 University of Chicago November 1 University of Illinois at Chicago November 1 University of Michigan November 1 University of Notre Dame November 1 University of Virginia November 1 Villanova November 1 Yale* November 1 *Indicates Restrictive Early Action Want to build the best possible college application? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. We want to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in. Beyond these popular schools, there are tons of other early action colleges- we'll go over them next. Complete List of Colleges and Early Action Deadlines This exhaustive list of early action schools is arranged in alphabetical order. If you're looking for a particular school, use ctrl + F to search for the name and jump directly to it in our list. School State EA Deadline Decision Notification Abilene Christian University TX November 1 - Adelphi University NY December 1 December 31 Agnes Scott College GA November 15 / January 15 December 15 / February 15 Assumption College MA November 1 / December 15 December 15 / January 31 Auburn University AL November 1 - Augustana College IL November 1 December 20 Austin College TX December 1 / February 1 January 15 / March 1 Azusa Pacific University CA November 15 Within three weeks Babson College MA November 1 December 15 Bard College NY November 1 December 31 Bay Path University MA December 15 - Baylor University TX November 1 January 15 Becker College MA November 15 Within three weeks Bellarmine University KY November 1 November Beloit College WI November 1 / December 1 December 1 / January 1 Bennington College VT December 1 February 1 Berklee College of Music MA November 1 January 31 Binghamton University- SUNY NY November 1 January 15 Biola University CA November 15 / January 15 January 15 / February 15 Birmingham-Southern College AL November 15 December 15 Bloomfield College NJ November 30 December 25 Bridgewater State University MA November 15 December 15 Bryant University RI November 15 January 15 Butler University IN November 1 December 15-31 Caldwell University NJ December 1 December 31 California Baptist University CA December 1 - California Institute of Technology CA November 1 December 15 California Lutheran University CA November 1 January 15 Carthage College WI Summer September 15 Case Western Reserve University OH November 1 December 17 The Catholic University of America DC November 1 January 1 Centenary College of Louisiana LA November 15 / December 15 - Central Michigan University MI May 1 May 8 Centre College KY December 1 January 15 Chapman University CA November 1 December 31 to February Christendom College VA December 1 December 15 Christopher Newport University VA December 1 January 15 Clark University MA November 1 - Cleveland Institute of Art OH December 1 / January 15 January 15 / February 15 Coe College IA December 10 Within two weeks College of Charleston SC December 1 January 15 College for Creative Studies MI December 1 - College of Idaho ID November 15 / January 15 December 15 / February 14 College of Mount Saint Vincent NY November 15 December 15 College of Saint Benedict MN November 15 / December 15 December 15 / January 15 The College of Saint Rose NY December 1 - College of Wooster OH November 15 December 31 Colorado College CO November 1 December 19 Colorado State University CO December 1 December 31 Columbia University, School of General Studies NY January 15 / March 1 March 1 / May 1 Concordia College New York NY November 15 - Concordia University Irvine CA November 15 / February 15 December 15 / March 1 Cornell College IA November 1 - Cornish College of the Arts WA December 1 December 15 Curry College MA December 1 - Dean College MA November 1 / December 1 December 15 / January 15 Delaware College of Art and Design DE December 1 January 1 DePaul University IL November 15 January 15 DePauw University IN December 1 January 15 Duquesne University PA December 1 - Earlham College IN November 15 / January 1 December 15 / February 1 Eastern Oregon University OR February 1 Rolling Eckerd College FL November 15 December 15 Elon University NC November 1 December 20 Emerson College MA November 1 December 15 Emmanuel College GA November 1 / December 15 After December 15 / After January 15 Fairfield University CT November 1 December 20 Felician College NJ November 15 - Fordham University NY November 1 December 19 Framingham State University MA November 15 - Furman University SC December 1 February 15 George Fox University OR November 1 December 7 George Mason University VA November 1 December 15 Georgetown University DC November 1 December 15 Georgia College and State University GA October 15 Early December Georgia Institute of Technology GA October 15 January 15 Georgia State University GA November 15 December 15 Georgian Court University NJ November 15 - Gonzaga University WA November 15 January 15 Gordon College MA November 1 / December 1 November 15 / December 15 Goucher College MD December 1 February 1 Grace College IN November 1 November 15 Gustavus Adolphus College MN November 1 November 15 Hamline University MN December 1 December 20 Hampden-Sydney College VA December 15 / January 15 - Hampshire College MA January 15 March 1 Hampton University VA October 15 December 31 Hanover College IN November 1 / December 1 Rolling Harvard University MA November 1 December 15 Hellenic College MA December 1 - Hendrix College AR November 15 / February 1 Beginning December 15 / Beginning March 1 High Point University NC November 15 December 16 Hofstra University NY November 15 / December 15 Beginning December 15 / Beginning January 15 Hollins University VA November 15 - Howard University DC November 1 December 15 Illinois College IL December 1 - Illinois Wesleyan University IL November 15 November 15 to December 15 Iona College NY December 1 December 25 Ithaca College NY December 1 February 1 James Madison University VA November 1 - John Carroll University OH December 1 December 21 Kalamazoo College MI November 1 December 20 Kean University NJ January 1 January 31 Knox College IL November 1 / December 1 December 15 / January 15 La Salle University PA November 1 November 30 Lake Forest College IL November 1 / January 15 Rolling Lasell College MA November 15 December 1 Lawrence University WI November 1 / December 1 December 15 / January 25 Le Moyne College NY November 15 Beginning December 15 Lees-McRae College NC December 1 December 15 Lenoir-Rhyne University NC November 7 November 21 Lesley University MA December 1 January 1 Lewis Clark College OR November 1 January 1 LIM College NY November 15 - Linfield College OR November 1 January 15 LIU Brooklyn NY December 1 December 31 LIU Post NY December 1 December 31 Longwood University VA December 2 - Loyola Marymount University CA November 1 December 31 Loyola University Maryland MD November 15 January 15 Lycoming College PA December 1 December 15 Lynn University FL November 15 December 15 Maine Maritime Academy ME November 30 February 1 Manhattanville College NY December 1 Rolling Marist College NY November 15 January 15 Marlboro College VT January 15 February 1 Massachusetts College of Art and Design MA December 1 Early January Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts MA December 1 December 15 Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences MA November 1 / December 1 December 15 / January 15 Massachusetts Institute of Technology MA November 1 December 15 Massachusetts Maritime Academy MA November 1 Before winter break The Master's University CA November 1 - McDaniel College MD November 15 / December 15 December 15 / January 15 Menlo College CA November 15 December 15 Mercer University GA October 15 November 7 Merrimack College MA November 15 / January 15 December 31 / February 28 Miami University OH November 1 / December 1 December 15 / February 1 Michigan State University MI November 1 January 15 Mills College CA November 15 December Millsaps College MS November 15 January 15 Minneapolis College of Art and Design MN December 1 December 15 Molloy College NY December 1 Decisions "made promptly" Monmouth University NJ December 1 January 15 Montserrat College of Art MA December 6 December 19 Morehouse College GA November 1 December 15 Mount Saint Mary's University CA December 1 January Mount St. Mary's University MD November 1 December 25 New York Institute of Technology NY February 15 Rolling Niagara University NY December 15 January 3 North Carolina State University NC November 1 January 30 Northeastern University MA November 1 February 1 Northwest Nazarene University ID November 1 / December 1 Before March 31 Northwest University WA November 15 / January 15 "Early notification of admission decision" Oglethorpe University GA November 15 Within two weeks The Ohio State University OH November 1 January 31 Ohio Wesleyan University OH December 1 December 15 Old Dominion University VA December 1 January 15-31 Oregon State University OR November 1 December 14 Pace University NY December 1 - Parsons School of Design (The New School) NY November 1 December 31 Patrick Henry College VA November 1 Rolling Point Loma Nazarene University CA November 15 December 15 Pratt Institute NY November 1 Late December to early January Presbyterian College SC December 1 December 15 Princeton University NJ November 1 December 15 Providence College RI November 1 Early January Purchase College- SUNY NY November 15 - Purdue University IN November 1 January 15 Queens University of Charlotte NC December 1 / February 1 December 31 / March 1 Radford University VA December 1 January 15 Randolph College VA November 15 December 15 Randolph-Macon College VA November 15 January 1 Regis College MA November 15 Rolling Rhodes College TN November 15 January 15 Rider University NJ November 15 December 20 Roger Williams University RI November 15 December 15 Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology IN November 1 December 15 Sacred Heart University CT December 15 - The Sage Colleges NY December 1 - Saint Anselm College NH November 15 January 15 Saint John's University MN November 15 / December 15 December 15 / January 15 Saint Joseph's College of Maine ME November 15 Beginning December 15 Saint Joseph's University PA November 1 December 20 Saint Mary's College of California CA December 15 - Saint Michael's College VT December 1 January Saint Peter's University NJ December 15 January 30 Salem State University MA November 15 Rolling Salisbury University MD December 1 January 15 Salve Regina University RI November 1 January 1 Santa Clara University CA November 1 December 31 School of the Art Institute of Chicago IL November 15 - Seattle Pacific University WA November 1 - Seattle University WA November 15 December 21 Seton Hall University NJ November 15 / December 15 December 30 / January 31 Sewanee: The University of the South TN December 1 February 14 Shepherd University WV November 15 Within 10 business days Siena College NY February 15 Within one week Simmons College MA November 1 / December 1 December 15 / January 15 Simpson University CA December 1 - Soka University of America CA November 1 December 1 Southern Methodist University TX November 1 - Southern New Hampshire University NH November 15 December 15 Southwestern University TX December 1 March 1 Spelman College GA November 15 December 31 St. John's College MD November 15 December 15 St. John's College NM November 15 December 15 Stanford University CA November 1 December 15 Sterling College VT December 15 / January 15 January 1 / February 1 Stonehill College MA November 1 January 1 Suffolk University MA November 15 December 20 SUNY Cortland NY November 15 January 1 SUNY New Paltz NY November 15 January 1 SUNY Oneonta NY November 15 January 1 SUNY Polytechnic Institute NY November 15 December 15 Susquehanna University PA November 1 / December 1 December 1 / January 15 Sweet Briar College VA October 1 December 14 Tarleton State University TX March 1 - Temple University PA November 1 January 10 Texas Christian University TX November 1 January 1 Texas Lutheran University TX November 15 Within two weeks Thomas College ME December 15 December 31 Transylvania University KY October 31 / December 1 Early December Trinity University TX November 1 December 15 Tulane University LA November 15 January 15 United States Coast Guard Academy CT October 15 December 23 Unity College ME December 15 - University of Akron OH November 1 - University at Albany- SUNY NY November 1 - University of Arkansas AR November 1 - University at Buffalo- SUNY NY November 15 "Candidates will receive an early response" University of Chicago IL November 1 December 15 University of Cincinnati OH December 1 - University of Colorado Boulder CO November 15 February 1 University of Dallas TX November 1 / December 1 - University of Dayton OH November 1 - University of Denver CO November 1 - University of Evansville IN November 1 December 15 University of Georgia GA October 15 December 1 University of Illinois at Chicago IL November 1 December 1 University of Kentucky KY December 1 Rolling, usually in 4-6 weeks University of Maine ME December 1 - University of Maine at Farmington ME November 15 Rolling University of Maine at Machias ME December 15 - University of Mary Washington VA November 15 January 31 University of Maryland MD November 1 February 1 University of Maryland, Baltimore County MD November 1 February 1 University of Massachusetts Amherst MA November 5 January 15 University of Massachusetts Boston MA November 1 - University of Massachusetts Dartmouth MA November 15 December 15 University of Massachusetts Lowell MA November 1 - University of Miami FL November 1 Late January to early February University of Michigan MI November 1 December 24 University of New England ME December 1 December 31 University of New Hampshire NH November 15 January 31 University of New Haven CT December 15 Rolling, usually in 4-6 weeks University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill NC October 15 January 31 University of North Carolina at Charlotte NC November 1 January 30 University of North Carolina at Wilmington NC November 1 January 20 University of Notre Dame IN November 1 December 15 University of Oregon OR November 1 December 15 University of the Pacific CA November 15 January 15 University of Redlands CA November 15 - University of Rhode Island RI December 1 - University of San Francisco CA November 1 Beginning December 15 University of Scranton PA November 15 Beginning December 15 University of South Carolina SC October 15 December 15 University of St. Thomas TX November 1 December 15 University of Tampa FL November 15 / January 15 December 15 / February 15 University of Tulsa OK November 1 "Decisions will be sent out in the fall" University of Utah UT November 1 January 15 University of Vermont VT November 1 December 13 University of Virginia VA November 1 February 1 University of Virginia's College at Wise VA December 1 / February 1 - Ursinus College PA November 1 December 15 Utica College NY November 15 December 15 Vanguard University of Southern California CA December 1 / January 15 - Villanova University PA November 1 January 15 Wabash College IN December 1 December 31 Warren Wilson College NC November 15 - Wartburg College IA December 1 - Washington College MD December 1 January 15 Washington Jefferson College PA January 15 February 15 Wells College NY December 15 - Western Carolina University NC November 15 December 15 Westminster College PA November 15 December 15 Westmont College CA October 15 / November 1 December 1 / Winter break Wheaton College IL November 1 December 31 Wheaton College MA November 15 January 15 Whittier College CA December 1 December 31 Whitworth University WA November 15 December 20 Willamette University OR November 15 December 30 William Paterson University NJ December 1 (Nursing only) - Wittenberg University OH December 1 January 1 Wofford College SC November 15 February 1 Worcester Polytechnic Institute MA November 1 / January 1 December 20 / February 10 Worcester State University MA November 15 - Yale University CT November 1 December 15 Most schools with early action allow you to apply to as many colleges as you want. Just double-check that you know whether your school's early action is restrictive or single choice. By applying early action, you can rest easy come December with the knowledge of where you'll be attending college next fall. Just don't fall prey to senioritis- you'll still be sending your senior-year grades to your colleges after all! What's Next? While you'll spend a lot of time on your essays and on prepping for tests, you also want to put effort into filling out your application forms. This guide goes into detail about how to write about your extracurricular activities on your college apps. Are you wondering about the differences between early action and early decision? Did you know that early decision isn't necessarily "early"? Read our expert guide to learn more about early decision and how it differs from early action. Maybe you're tired of reading articles and just want to learn about how to apply to college from a snazzy infographic. I read your mind, right? Check out this awesome infographic on how to get into your top-choice college. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points? We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

mail vs femail communication styles essays

mail vs femail communication styles essays You say the glass is half-empty; I say the glass is half full. This is the way people communicate daily on a personal level or professional level. Effective communication however, is the ultimate key. As we know, communication is carried on all over the world, in many different languages, slangs, and dialects that have developed over time through the communication process. Perhaps the most obvious difference in achieving effective communication is seen in any culture, or race between males and females. Though not as obvious or radical as two different languages, it is a difference that can be equated to such. Males and females have definite different communication styles, and as a result, we respond differently under various professional, social, and personal situations. Like the book title implies, "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" we are very different. We are not from different planets, but why does it seem that way? We are raised under different norms. Is it wrong that we raise our boys and girls differently? That is a question that stems back many years and cannot be answered in this paper. Historic traditions instilled inside all of us that are unconsciously passed down through generation after generation, makes us the people that we are. The key word is UNCONSCIOUSLY. It is part of our culture to treat the sexes differently. In most cultures women have been raised to be more passive than men, and this trait usually sticks with them all through life. From grade school on up, women have been the quiet ones. In school, guys were the ones being loud and obnoxious (remember throwing rocks and dirt at the girls.) Little did they know, that was the male way of saying "I am here, notice me", or "I really like you." Girls would respond with a smile to the guys or say "he is so stupid" to her friends. They use this as a shield for their real feelings and a w ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Mini short story response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Mini short story response - Essay Example g the story together to the final line, where Elisa is â€Å"crying weakly – like an old woman.† The way that Steinbeck does this can be discovered by taking a closer look at how Steinbeck uses imagery and action to illustrate the depth of Elisa’s isolation and frustration on a physical and emotional level. Steinbeck’s description of Elisa’s garden illustrates how isolated Elisa is physically from the rest of the world. The flowers are totally fenced in a specifically defined space. Although the fence is low, it still manages to serve as a barrier between Elisa and the other characters. Her isolation is added to by the description of the location where she lives. Steinbeck tells the reader about how â€Å"the high grey-flannel fog of winter closed off the [valley] from the sky and all the rest of the world.  Ã‚  On every side it sat like a lid on the mountains and made of the great valley a closed pot† (Steinbeck). This setting illustrates how Elisa is sealed within the ‘closed pot’ of the smothering cloud cover of social rules. Reinforcing that this is a symbolic concept, Elisa stands at the beginning of the story watching her husband talk to strangers at a location not far away from where she stands. Although she is curious about what they’r e saying, custom and expectation prevent her from leaving her garden to join them. The flowers within the garden are also symbolic of Elisa’s frustration in life. Steinbeck makes this connection by pointing out how she works with the flowers, â€Å"the chrysanthemum stems seemed too small and easy for her energy† (Steinbeck). The force and energy that she expends while she is tending to her plants is an outlet for the frustration she feels as she realizes that she cannot just join her husband. At the same time, Elisa obviously takes a great deal of pride in the beauty of her plants. This is Steinbeck’s way of pointing out that part of Elisa’s frustration is her failed ability to fulfill the role of

Friday, November 1, 2019

Waste Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Waste Management - Essay Example The 311 system is implemented for the solid waste management. All the residents and organizations in Houston are encouraged to call 3-1-1 for monitoring and maintaining the schedule of garbage collection. If there is a complaint that some household is missed for the garbage collection, it is kept under â€Å"monitor status†. Regular logs are maintained on weekly/monthly basis. If repeated complaint is received from particular are/house/organization, the problem is identified and rectified. Continuous monitoring has helped to improve the waste management and recycling. There are enforcements and penalties for the folly of littering and improper waste disposal under the codes. Chapter 39 of the codes discusses the regulations for solid waste and litter control. It also elaborates on the conducts of the citizens, duties of the Waste Management organizations and penalties. Article III has established the formation of Houston Clean City Commission which controls the acceptable leve l and concentration of litter in the city. The duties of the employees of the department are assigned under section 39-18. Penalties and enforcements are implemented under section 39-4 to prohibit unlawful waste disposal and littering. Organizations like â€Å"Waste Management Inc† and â€Å"Keep Houston Beautiful† are the one’s which are helping for the reduction of litter, beautification of the city and educating on recycling. The organization is running programs for schools, companies and other commercials to learn about recycling. ... schedule of garbage collection. If there is a complaint that some household is missed for the garbage collection, it is kept under "monitor status". Regular logs are maintained on weekly/monthly basis. If repeated complaint is received from particular are/house/organization, the problem is identified and rectified. Continuous monitoring has helped to improve the waste management and recycling. ("Solid Waste Management", n.d.) There are enforcements and penalties for the folly of littering and improper waste disposal under the codes. Chapter 39 of the codes discusses the regulations for solid waste and litter control. It also elaborates on the conducts of the citizens, duties of the Waste Management organizations and penalties. Article III has established the formation of Houston Clean City Commission which controls the acceptable level and concentration of litter in the city. The duties of the employees of the department are assigned under section 39-18. Penalties and enforcements are implemented under section 39-4 to prohibit unlawful waste disposal and littering. Organizations like "Waste Management Inc" and "Keep Houston Beautiful" are the one's which are helping for the reduction of litter, beautification of the city and educating on recycling. The organization is running programs for schools, companies and other commercials to learn about recycling. Thrown waste gets developed into new object/commodity through the recycling process. Recycling includes the collection of waste, its reprocessing, creating new object and puts it into use again. Reuse of old plastic objects/bottles for producing new plastic containers or use of waste plastics for pillow stuffing

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Career Counseling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Career Counseling - Essay Example The authors utilized the questionnaire survey method by distributing career choice questionnaires in 1993 during a business meeting organized by the Organization of Student Representatives (OSR). The respondents comprised of 114 OSR members of diverse nationalities who pursued varied undergraduate degrees. The findings revealed that the following factors were influential in the students’ career choice: (1) parental support; and (2) previous health care orientation and experience. In addition, more than â€Å"97% of the respondents felt that medical schools should help medical students who are undecided about their medical specialty choices† (Hesser, Mehaffey & Thompson, 1995, 1). The authors averred that the respondents emphasized that their medical schools failed to provide assistance in choosing a medical specialty due to the following reasons: (1) lack of neither facilitators nor organized career support services; (2) have trained facilitators but not consistent in the provision of career support services; and (3) have both facilitators and support services but failed to announce public schedules as needed. As a result, the authors contended that future research could look into focusing not only on training appropriate facilitators and organizing career support services, but more so on strategies of publicizing these services accordingly. They concluded by stating that medical students, on their own determined initiatives, must â€Å"not give up until they have found them!† (Hesser, Mehaffey & Thompson, 1995, 1). The information relayed in the article is relevant in terms of making students aware that various endeavors and educational institutions must actively pursue career counseling services to guide students in the direction of their career path. Despite one’s determination to pursue a particular career, developments in

Monday, October 28, 2019

Poetry - Alliteration Essay Example for Free

Poetry Alliteration Essay The first poem ‘Sonnet 130’ by William Shakespeare has a humorous view on the traditional ideas of beauty. The poem is a five duplet metre with the stressed sounds starting on the second word of each line. Each line has the same amount of stressed and unstressed patterns which is very common for sonnets to make it quick and easy to read. The five duplet pattern never mimics human speech in the way a four duplet pattern does. The end of each alternating line has a distinct rhyming pattern which goes on throughout the poem. There is also an assonance pattern with each of these words. The first line ‘My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun’ shows use of a simile the same as most of the last line ‘I think my love as rare as†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ More use of similes could have been made in the following lines. There is an example of weak alliteration in line eleven ‘I grant I never saw a goddess go’ There is a metaphor in line four when he talks about his mistress’ hair, saying they are ‘black wires’, this view today would be a completely different view from when the poem was written. In our modern time we think of electrical wires coming out of her head. Most of the poem gives negative connotations, the words ‘sun’, ‘red coral’, ‘perfume’ and ‘music’ provides beautiful images. The denotations are her eyes do not shine like the bright sun, her breath ‘reeks’ unlike the smell of perfume and her voice is not pleasant to hear unlike music. The second poem Philip Larkin’s ‘The Trees’ is a twelve line poem that seems to compare the life of a tree to human life. In each stanza the first and fourth line, the end word rhymes with one another along with the second and third last word also rhyming. There is a four duplet pattern with the stressed pattern on the second syllable of each line. Each of these words show a clear assonance pattern with the words ‘thresh’ and ‘afresh’ repeated three times, when spoken aloud almost sound like the wind rustling through the leaves of the tree.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Rudolfo Anaya’s Bless Me, Ultima Essay -- Rudolfo Anaya Bless Me Ultim

Rudolfo Anaya’s Bless Me, Ultima In Rudolfo Anaya’s Bless Me, Ultima, the author uses Tony’s dreams as a way of displaying various symbols. Three symbols that are used often are weather, water, and the Golden Carp. Weather is used to represent conflict. Water represents cleansing, and rejuvenation. The Golden Carp symbolizes religion and Tony’s beliefs. Because dreams are not an exact mirror of reality, they become the perfect tool for introducing symbolism. The author uses the dream as a way to access the recurring themes of the book. Weather affects the lives of everyone. When the weather turns foul, it makes life more difficult. Stormy weather in Tony’s dreams represents the conflict in his life, and the lives of those around him. One example of the weather in his dreams is the wind. In one of Tony’s dreams the wind is used to represent conflict that disrupts the peace that is a still lake. "There was a howling wind as the moon rose and it’s powers pulled at the still waters of the lake."(Anaya 120) The wind here is used to represent forces of disturbance caused by nuclear testing taking place south of the town, just as wind kicks up dust and blurs the view. Another element of storms is thunder and lightning. In Tony’s dream he sees, ".....a flash of lightning struck and out of the thunder a dark figure stepped forth. It was Ultima......I sought more answers, but she was gone, evaporated into a loud noise."(Anaya 71) Lightning can offer glimpses of illumination, but then darkness retu rns, and the noise of the thunder that follows deafens the ears. This represents the moments of good that can occur within the midst of conflict. Ultima’s appearance gives Tony a glimpse of where he needs to search for innocence, but he is still confused from this encounter. He continues to search for answers. Another significant weather occurrence is the appearance of mist. " The mist swirled around me. I was at the river, and I heard someone calling my name. I peered into the dark mist but I could see no one." (Anaya 61) Just as the mist leaves a person feeling isolated, the mist represents the war and how it left Tony separated from his brothers. Weather, in the form of wind, thunder and lightning, and mist, provides powerful symbolism for the conflicts in Tony’s life. Cleansing and rejuvenation are themes that are suggested by the author, and symbolized thro... ...eath he had seen he can’t really trust the gods because they continue to let people that are close to him die. Tony’s belief in the power of the carp is beginning to fade here because he can not understand why the carp, and God continue to let people die. Tony knows what the carp represents, so he blames the carp for these deaths. All of these quotes show how the Golden Carp represents the power, and the importance of Tony’s religion. The Golden Carp was the most important religious symbol in Bless Me Ultima. In Rudolfo Anaya’s Bless Me Ultima, the other uses Tony’s dreams to show the reader symbols of conflict, rejuvenation, and religion. The weather in this story is used to represent conflict. Weather is shown in Tony’s dreams to represent conflicts in his life. Water is used to represent cleanliness in rejuvenation. We all use water to clean ourselves, but in this book water is shown to clean the mind, body, and soul. The Golden Carp is shown to be a symbol of Tony’s religion. The carp is a symbol that Tony turns to for answers in his life. In all of Tony’s dreams the reader is able to gain a better understanding of Tony’s life through the use of symbols in Tony’s dreams.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Literature and the Industrial Revolution :: essays research papers

In the Industrial Revolution poetry advanced and Romanticism began. Romanticism started in the 18th century and was said to be influenced by the French and Industrial Revolution. People decided to rebel against the political and social rules of their time and started a new trend of art. It conveyed dramatic subjects perceived with strong feelings and imagination. William Blake was a poet commonly connected with Romanticism. He led strong beliefs that were occasionally mentioned in his work. One was that everyone is equal and is mentioned in 'All Religions Are One': "As all men are alike (tho' infinitely various)" He based most of his works in the style of Romanticism - Blake wrote from the heart, he let his thoughts and beliefs take over. Some of Blake?s poems include ?London? and ?The Lamb? William Wordsworth, like Blake, was linked with Romanticism. In fact, he was one of the very founders of Romanticism. He wrote poems are about nature, freedom and emotion. He was open about how he felt about life and what his life was like. Also, Wordsworth wrote poems about the events going on around him ? for instance the French Revolution. Mainly, Wordsworth wrote about nature, however, rarely used simple descriptions in his work. Instead, Wordsworth wrote complexly, for example in his poem ?Daffodils?. Percy Bysshe Shelley, John Keats, George Gordon Byron and Samuel Taylor Coleridge were all poets in the Romantic era. They all had a love of their country and wrote about nature and revolution in some of their poems. Shelley wrote many plays, some of which were Romantic and some about the French Revolution (as Shelley had experienced the French Revolution in his lifetime). This allowed him to state deep,

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Keeping up with the changing demands of society

Education is defined as a procedure of instruction, preparation and acquisition, to develop accomplishments and better cognition, particularly in schools ( Oxford, 2010 ) . Since the morning of human civilisation, countless minds have made efforts to reply one peculiar inquiry – â€Å" What precisely are the intents of instruction? † Overtime, it became evident to ‘Homo Sapiens ‘ that if these intents are non defined, so instruction would hold no existent importance or significance in society. Some intents of instruction do non alter harmonizing to clip, while others do. However, the root intent of instruction remains unchanged -keeping up with the ever-changing demands of society. Education has the fixed maps of consolidative and perpetuating a society ; it besides has the dynamic intents of doing feasible the changeless reclamation and growing of the establishments and civilization of a society. The modern kid goes undergoes instruction in order to larn some accomplishments that keep society operation ( Universal, 1970 ) . When these demands of the society are met, people would get down to acknowledge the values of instruction, doing it an plus for farther promotion. Hence, instruction, preparation and larning becomes an of import procedure in a individual ‘s life as he integrates into society. After the root intent of instruction has been identified, the other ‘sub-purposes ‘ like the development of personal mind and moral character, economic promotion and political facets comes into the image ( Kang, 2006 ) . In the modern epoch, the society is get downing to pay more attending to these ‘sub-purposes ‘ as the root intent is already being considered as common cognition.Purpose of Education: Civics & A ; Moral Development of SocietyCommenting on the importance of moral and municipal intrinsic worth in instruction, Confucius said, ‘To love benevolence, inventiveness, trustiness in word, candor, bravery and stiff strength, without first loving acquisition is apt to take to stupidity, divergence from the right way, destructive behaviour, dogmatism, insubordination and indiscipline severally ‘ ( Analectss, 17.8 ) . Contrary to popular beliefs, instruction is more than merely about the apprehension of constructs taught by pedagogues or geting superior accomplishments needed to progress in a knowledge-based society. PM Lee one time said there are things, other than classs that we can accomplish in school ( Lee, 2004 ) . A holistic instruction, in both academic and non-academic facets, is of import in continuing Singapore ‘s society. Ideally, Moral Education should leave values such as staying Torahs and ordinances ; a sense of societal duty ; regard for others, their rights and dignity ; patience and chumminess, among many others. ( Rwantabagu, 2010 ) . It is about educating the pupils about the ‘proper ‘ , ‘correct ‘ and socially accepted behaviour before they become fully fledged grownups – it is a procedure of dragging pupils out of their ‘frog-in-the well ‘ outlook ; they are deriving exposure, wisdom and life experiences – with the usag e of Civics & A ; Moral Education ( CME ) . Figure 1 Beginning: Ministry of Education ( MOE ) , 2007 Based on Figure 1, Singapore ‘s Civics & A ; Moral Education ( CME ) aims at the development of sets of values, whereby, pupils are expected to be able to separate between ‘right ‘ and ‘wrong ‘ , genuinely understand the significance and deductions on why a certain action is incorrect or right and do morally wise determinations ; and are responsible for their ain actions. The planning of the CME Curriculum is designed to provide to a globalized Singapore where a knowledge-based economic system is on the rise. However, despite MOE ‘s efforts to make a ‘flawless ‘ CME, the responses received had been far from promoting. Students tend to pay less attending to Moral Education for two chief grounds – they are forced to take the ‘subject ‘ and it will non impact their overall classs. Form coachs normally rush through the CME lessons and utilize the staying clip to discourse constructs for their ain lessons ( experienced by the author ) and CME Classs are normally less piquant – discoursing some moral values from books or through worksheets. If the current CME course of study continues, pupils will merely cover with jobs consistently, in conformity to values discussed in categories ; without genuinely understanding the principle behind the believing procedure involved before determination devising and perpetrating the existent action. CME ‘s defects are caused by two factors. Teachers are non equipped with the necessary accomplishments and resources to carry on prosecuting CME categories, ensuing in pupil ‘s deficiency of involvement. Furthermore, there is besides non adequate emphasize is being placed on CME – merely one or two lessons per hebdomad. Both pupils and instructors have to recognize that a bookman with no moral values is a autocrat in doing Teachers themselves have to see the importance of moral instruction in order to learn the ‘subject ‘ with passion and cultivate pupils ‘ personal character. Harmonizing to the Self-determination theory ( SDT ) of human motive and personality ( Deci & A ; Ryan, 2002 ) , if all three human demands for independency, competency and relatedness are fulfilled, one will see optimum personal growing and operation ( Wang, 2008 ) . Educators should use this theory to progress pupils ‘ cognitive development and understand how motive can be instilled in them. In order to better the state of affairs, instructors and pupils can besides supply constructive feedback to MOE ‘s course of study planning commission in order to propose prosecuting ways for pupils to cultivate good moral values while holding merriment. Schools can besides join forces with parents in pupils ‘ CME by promoting continual cultivation of moral values outside course of study hours with the su pervising and counsel from several parents. Mutual partnership between society, schools ( particularly pupils and instructors ) and households should be the way that CME should be heading towards. A society enriched with good moral values will so put a strong foundation for economic promotion chances.Purpose: Economic Promotion of Society through EducationMankind took about 1750 old ages from the beginning of civilisation to duplicate the technological cognition. By 1900, this is 150 old ages subsequently, technological cognition doubled yet once more. It took half a century ( 1900 – 1950 ) for the following doubling ; the following doubling in a decennary ( 1950 – 1960 ) and today, adult male ‘s cognition of the Universe has quadrupled during each of the past three decennaries ( Sundararajan, 1995 ) . The turning point of this technological betterment in humanity is the find of the watercourse use which brought about the Industrial Revolution. Without technological cognition being discovered and built originally through instruction ( as most of the research workers and discoverers are educated by some signifier of formal instruction ) , society will non be able to progress economically at the same astonishing rate that society has been sing. In add-on, the ancient political orientation of comparing extremely educated people as holding a bright hereafter still remains in modern society. Figures 2.1 and 2.2 ( shown below ) relate instruction degree, employment and income degree in America. Both figures show a similar tendency that as a individual progresss in his educational degree, his corresponding income additions and his employment chance additions. Predictably, the state of affairs in Singapore is no exclusion. Fig 2.1 Note: Datas are based on 2009 one-year norms for individuals age 25 and above and wages are for full-time United States employees. Taken from: hypertext transfer protocol: // Fig 2.2 ( Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: // and the Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States ) Professor Neo Boon Siong, ( former Director of the Asia Competitiveness Institute at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy in NUS ) explained that the chief societal policy is to make occupations. Employment is associated with instruction as higher instruction enables anyone, non sing his present state of affairs to travel up within society ( Sonny, 2009 ) . Singapore ‘s establishments teach and train their pupils with cardinal accomplishments like authorship, reading and speech production in at least two known linguistic communication. Content cognition in the assorted subjects ( from History to Economics ) can be acquired by the pupils as a manner to construct up facts and information in their head. As one advancement further up in the instruction ladder, they will likely be taught a repertory of advanced accomplishments such as, analysis, appraisal and application of cognition and effectual societal communicating. Students are besides being developed morally. Hence, pupils will be literate and equipped with the necessary ‘life-skills ‘ accomplishments, moral values and indispensable cognition in their readying for their eventual entryway into society. As a consequence, they will be expected to understand the bing jobs in his society and seek to come up with amicable solutions ; by make usage of his ‘text-book à ¢â‚¬Ëœ cognition and use them in world. As engineering progresss in Singapore, more foreign investors would construct their concern units in the state, taking to more employment which would take to a better quality of life. Due to global-shift, Singapore have been undergoing ‘postindustrial passage ‘ , switching the industries towards the Tertiary, ‘more specialized ‘ quaternate and ‘highly specialized & amp ; advanced ‘ quinary sectors. These sectors normally require an educated work force which is capable of supplying services, affecting specialized cognition, proficient accomplishments, communicating, or administrative competency ( Fellmann, 2010 ) . The presence of skilled and gifted workers with diverse abilities plays a critical function in impeling Singapore ‘s quest in get the better ofing the challenges of a knowledge-based economic system. This amplifies the importance of instruction and its intent in the economic advancement of Si ngapore. Although Singapore is a â€Å" First universe oasis in a Third universe part † ( Kluver & A ; Weber, 2003 ) , its work force should ne'er halt acquisition. Dr. Goh Keng Swee famously declared that Singapore will die if there is no economic growing. Students should be informed about the economic effects on Singapore if cognition remains dead and this outlook should be strongly emphasized in the instruction system. As such, the Ministry of Education ( Singapore ) implemented educational attacks like â€Å" Teach Less, Learn More † ( TLLM ) in order to develop pupils with a holistic instruction, developing them in an advanced manner and fiting them with of import accomplishments to last in a globalized universe ( Tan, 2007 ) . In a cognition economic system, ‘Ability Driven Education ‘ purposes to fit and fix scholars to get the better of the challenges, by taking into history their single accomplishments and endowments, and develop their potencies [ Charlene Tan, 2005, 6 ( 4 ) , 446-453 ) ] . Creativity and invention are chief fuels of a knowledge-based economic system ; hence Singapore pupils are expected to make fresh cognition from the 1s that they have already learnt ( Ng Eng Hen, 2002 ) . Based on the TLLM attack, instructors began to learn lesser content cognition and pupils are expected to research and ‘discover ‘ certain cognition through their ain researc h. However, being exam-orientated, most parents, pupils and instructors believe that hiting good classs is needed to progress further in instruction advancement and finally stand out in society – which means that a ‘paper pursuit ‘ for academic acknowledgment in society is inevitable. It resulted in most pupils being provided with tuition in order to reenforce their acquisition. Harmonizing to the Singapore Department of Statistics, approximately $ 820 million were spent on private tuition in 2008, up from $ 470 million spent in 1998 ( HARSHA, 2010 ) . During the one-year major exam period ( from Sep – November ) schools runing from Primary to the Junior Colleges offer excess ‘after school ‘ Sessionss – audiences, dark survey with instructors and ‘mock ‘ scrutiny paper for its pupils ( Jane & A ; Leow, 2010 ) . Presently, TLLM failed in accomplishing its chief end of developing a creative and believing coevals of pupils. In other words, the instruction policies are seen as ‘killing ‘ alternatively of developing a pupil ‘s creativeness as they still rely on tuition ( a pattern of spoon-feeding of cognition by coachs ) alternatively of making their ain research. Teachers continue to give tuitions on a frequent footing as they fear that pupils may non be able to get by with their progressively demanding course of study. Furthermore, pupils have to accommodate good analyzing wonts. It is besides non executable for pupils to analyze hard merely when the major scrutinies are nearing or what the Chinese say, ‘Hugging the Buddha ‘s leg at the 11th hr † . Students must be invariably fixing and upgrading themselves manner before the scrutinies ; they will be able to better develop echt involvement in the assorted Fieldss of surveies and the coveted result of Ã¢â‚¬Ë œlife-long ‘ acquisition can be achieved even after the pupil ‘s graduation. In readying for a knowledge-based economic system, pupils and instructors must construe the intent of TLLM in a similar and right way. Singapore instructors should presume a greater function and duty than of all time before and they themselves have to invariably upgrade themselves with new accomplishments and to be receptive to new cognition. Besides that, instructors have to take enterprise to construct a sure bond with pupils and utilize their pedagogical accomplishments in educating the different groups of pupils ; prosecuting them in their acquisition journey and developing pupils ‘ ego involvement for farther pursue of cognition. Self-reflection by pupils and instructors can help in holding a more constructive course of study, guaranting that larning and learning aims are met. The society has to back up and ease the development of instructors and pupils – by supplying financess for certain school undertakings like assorted instruction position classs catered for instructors and pupils in order to promote their chances in TLLM. Ultimately, it is non merely a simple affair of instruction ‘s economic impacts, but besides of animating assurance in pupils, parents, and teachers-society-that the educational attack has begun to map ( STEFANOS, 1981 ) .DecisionIn a knowledge-based economic system, every bit of import rational, moral, physical and societal facets of one ‘s full potency can be achieved ( Chen, 2000 ) . Singapore ‘s instruction system must be designed to guarantee pupils inquiry, warrant their personal actions and ground out why jurisprudence is enforced in society. Students should be given informed pick in accommodating good behaviours ; non simply following the civilization passed down from old coevals. Knowledge will go on to be accumulated, and this will decidedly take to society ‘s dynamic alterations in way. Society should ne'er stay dead because the hereafter is ever surrounded by uncertainnesss. As society continues to germinate, the educational intents must invariably be revamped in order to maintain up with the increasing demands of its milieus and remain relevant to society in the twenty-first century and beyond. ( 2150 Words )